Telephone System/Line Analysis

Wired and wireless transmitters must be physically connected to the line before they will do any good. Once a wireless tap is connected to the line, it can transmit all conversations over a limited reception range. Wired taps, on the other hand, need no power source, but a wire must run from the line to the listener or to a transmitter.

An 'Infinity Transmitter' or 'Harmonica Bug' must be installed inside the phone. When someone calls the tapped phone it rings, blows a whistle over the line, and the transmitter picks up the phone via a relay. The mike on the phone is activated so that the caller can hear all of the conversations in the room.

The telephone line analyzing equipment used during the sweep (photo above) is capable of determining illegal taps, defective phones, room listening devices, splices, VLF devices, infinity triggered devices, and selectively targeted phones in situations where a tap has been placed in a wire closet or a telephone room.

A signal is generated from your phone right to the Bell Canada Phone Centre (or the main phone centre of your particular State or Province). The purpose is to evaluate the current in the line and to discover if any device has been placed on the line that might be causing a drop in the current.

Protect Your Business

Here are some older articles on Counter Electronic Surveillance and Corpa's President, Kevin Bousquet

Toronto Real Estate News.
June 1, 1990

Globe and Mail.
February 13, 1990

The Financial Post.
June 4, 1990



Toronto Head Office
Corpa Investigation Inc.
1860 Appleby Line, Suite 494
Burlington, ON L7L 7H7

Burlington: 905.331.1333
Toronto: 416.435.7228
Toll-Free: 877. 331.1333
Fax: 905.331.0234
Montreal (Admin Only)
Groupe De Corpa.
925 De Maisonneuve Ouest
Suite 311, Montreal, QC, H3A 0A5

Toll-Free: 877. 331.1333
Niagara Falls
Corpa Security Inc.
Security Guard Office
17, 7000 McLeod Road
Suite 100
Niagara Falls, ON, L2G 7K3
Toll-Free: 877. 331.1333